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What is Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs?
Most of us don't even think of emergency lighting, but not only is Emergency Lighting required to be present in buildings by law, it can also save your life one day during an emergency.
Emergency lighting or ‘’E/L’’ for short form is one of the many life safety systems required in buildings. Emergency lighting allows you to have visibility on exits from your building during a power outage and emergency in your facility.
Requirements for emergency lighting depend on the scope of the building but has been mandated by numerous North American Fire and Building Code.
Emergency Lighting:
An Emergency Light is a battery-operated lighting device that automatically turns on when a facility experiences a control failure such as a power outage. Emergency lights are a standard Life Safety System in multiple building verticals across North America, including commercial offices, apartments, hotels, and manufacturing facilities. They must also be added to older structures in North America based on fire code and building code requirements.
Exit Signs:
An exit sign is a pictogram located in facilities (such as a building, airplane, or boat). An exit sign is a symbol or brief text that indicates the location of the closest emergency exit to use in the event of a fire or other emergency requiring a quick evacuation. The majority of pertinent codes (fire, building, health, or safety) demand that exit signs always be lit.
Exit signs are made to be completely clear to everyone and easy to understand. This typically means that exit signs that display the word "EXIT" or its equivalent in the local language, but exit signs around the world are increasingly being displayed as pictograms, either with or without additional text usually showing a ‘’Running Person’’ icon.
Its important to understand what is required for emergency lighting in your building. Let Safety Plus help you with the life safety products you need!