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Understanding the Importance of Sprinkler Systems

Understanding the Importance of Sprinkler Systems

Fire Sprinkler Systems have been protecting both people and properties for well over 100 years. Having an efficient and properly maintained Sprinkler System installed in a building reduces the chances of fatalities by one-half to two-thirds.

Saving Lives:

The most critical role of the Fire Sprinkler is to reduce fatalities of occupants in buildings. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) "civilian death rate was 81% lower in homes with fire sprinklers than in homes without them.” (Heltunen, J. 2020). When a fire occurs, the sprinkler system ignites in the early stages of the fire to help reduce the growth of the fire, providing the occupants enough time to evacuate.

Protecting Buildings:

Fire sprinkler systems are designed and able to alleviate the potential damage of buildings during a fire. According to the NFPA, “when fire sprinklers were present, fires were kept the room of origin 97 percent of the time.” (Heltunen, J. 2020). During a fire, the sprinkler system is activated by flames or heat. Only the specific sprinkler head that is close to the heat will ignite causing water release only in that specific area, helping to put out the fire and isolate the damage.

Source: Heltunen, J. (2020, September 10) The Importance of Fire Sprinklers. Fire Protection Blog.

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