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Tips to keeping your family and home safe from fire

Tips to keeping your family and home safe from fire

One of the most frequent home emergencies for Canadians is a fire, and many of these incidents take place during the winter. You and your family can stay safe in the case of a home fire by taking the necessary steps. Here are some pointers to assist:

1. Keep everything that can catch fire away from the stove, including garments, towels, and oven mitts.

2. Keep flammable objects three feet or more away from heat sources, such as space heaters.

3. When lighting candles, use a deep, broad holder and never leave them unattended.

4. Christmas trees, especially as they dry out, can be very flammable. Make sure a Christmas tree is frequently watered and that the lights are approved.

5. Avoid smoking inside.

6. With your family, make a plan and put it into action.
Examine all available exits.

7. Be aware of who will be in responsibility of providing assistance to family members who require it, such as young children or elderly relatives.

8. Choose a place outside where your family may gather.

9. Install carbon monoxide and smoke detectors on every level of your house.

10. Replace the batteries of smoke detectors in March and November during daylight savings time after testing them once a month.

11. Ensure that everyone is aware of the alarm's tone and what to do if they hear it.

12. Take some time to practice your fire safety knowledge. In case anyone, STOP, DROP, AND ROLL.

13. Request assistance from a neighbor's home.

14. Call 911 and place a damp towel under the door. You can also wave a brightly coloured cloth or a flashlight through a window to request assistance.

If you would like more information on keeping your family and home safe from fires,  reach out to the safety plus team!

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